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APPSC Recruitment 2020 Application Form, Important Dates,Eligibility Criteria

APPSC Recruitment 2020 Application Form, Important Dates, Eligibility Criteria: CIVIL SERVICES  में नौकरी की चाह रखने वाले CANDIDATES के लिए, ANDHRA PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION  APPSC 2020 जारी करके ऐसे CANDIDATES के लिए सबसे अच्छा अवसर देता है। GROUP 1,2,3,4, आंध्र प्रदेश में विभिन्न VACANCIES पर योग्य CANDIDATES की भर्ती के लिए PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION  NOTIFICATION जारी करने जा रहा है। विभिन्न POSTS के लिए अलग-अलग मापदंड हैं और जो CANDIDATE योग्य हैं वे केवल APPSC 2020 के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। CANDIDATE को APPSC 2020 की OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION के लिए OFFICIAL WEBSITE पर जाना चाहिए।

APPSC 2020 

APPSC 2020

Vacancies under Group 1

Regional Transport Officer Deputy Superintendent of Jails
District Panchayat Officer Assistant Excise Superintendent
Deputy Collector Municipal Commissioner Grade-II
Commercial Tax Officer Lay Secretary & Treasurer Grade-II
District Registrar Assistant Commissioner of Labour
Divisional Fire Officer Mandal Parishad Development Officer
District Social Welfare Officer Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies
District Tribal Welfare Officer Deputy Superintendent of Police Category- II
District Employment Officer Assistant Treasury Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer
Assistant Audit Officer District Backward Classes Welfare Officer including Assistant Director

Vacancies under Group 2

Executive Posts Municipal Commissioner Grade-III
Mandal Revenue Officer Assistant Commercial Tax Officer
Sub-Registrar Grade-II Assistant Section Officer in Secretariat Sub-Service
Junior Employment Officer Assistant Section Officer in A.P. Legislature
Co-operative Sub-Registrar Assistant Section Officer (Fin. And  Plg. Fin. Dept.)
Assistant Labour Officer Assistant Section Officer (Law Dept.)
Extension Officer Typist-cum-Assistant in A.P. Secretariat Service
Excise Sub-Inspector Typist-cum-Assistant in A.P. Legislature Sub-Service
Executive Officer Grade-II Typist-cum-Assistant (Fin. And  Plg. Fin. Dept.)
Non-Executive Posts Typist-cum-Assistant (Law Dept.)
Senior Accountant Assistant-cum-Typist (Heads of Dept.) in A.P. Ministerial Service
Auditor in A.P. Pay and Accounts Junior Assistant (Heads of Departments) in A.P.Ministerial Service
Assistant Auditor Junior Accountant (Directorate)
Senior Accountant Junior Accountant (Directorate) in A.P. Govt. Life Insurance Sub-Service
Senior Auditor

Vacancies under Group III

  • Village Development Officer
  • Junior Inspector of Co-operative Societies

Vacancies in Group IV

  • Junior Stenos
  • Typists in the Offices of the Heads of the Departments
  • Typists and Junior Assistants in Judicial Ministerial Services & Junior Stenos

APPSC Technical Services:

  • Assistant Engineer
  • Industrial Promotion Officer
  • Assistant Conservator of Forests
  • Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector
  • Assistant Director of Legal Metrology

APPSC 2020: Important Dates

Asst., Executive Engineers in various Engineering Service and Town Planning and Building overseas Town & Country Planning July/August, 2020
Group – IV Services and Jr. Lecturers August/ September, 2020
Hostel Welfare Officers in TW Dept. September/ October, 2020
Group – I Services IA /IB October/ November 2020
A.P Vaidya VidhanaParishad Civil Asst., Surgeons GynecologyPediatricsAnesthesia Specialists Others August/ September, 2021

Eligibility Criteria

For Group 1 & 2 Positions:

  • CANDIDATE के पास किसी मान्यता प्राप्त UNIVERSITY से GRADUATE की डिग्री होनी चाहिए।

For Group 4 Positions:

  • CANDIDATES को अपने इंटरमीडिएट (10 + 2) या A.P. STATE BOARD से इसके समकक्ष पूरा करना चाहिए था।

Age Limit

  • CANDIDATES की आयु 18 वर्ष से अधिक होनी चाहिए और GROUP 1, 2 और 4 POSTS के लिए 36 वर्ष से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए।
  • APPSC के नियमों और विनियमों के अनुसार, आरक्षित श्रेणियों के CANDIDATES के लिए ऊपरी आयु में छूट दी जाएगी।

Age Relaxation

Category Age Relaxation
SC/ST/BCs 5 years
PH 10 years
Ex-Servicemen 3 years & length of service rendered in the armed forces
A.P. State Government Employees 5 Years on the basis of length of regular service
N.C.C. (who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C.) 3 Years & length of service rendered in the N.C.C
Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months 3 years

Selection Procedure

  • GROUP I के लिए: Written Examination, Interview / Oral Test
  • GROUP II के लिए: Written Examination, Interview/Document Verification
  • GROUP IV के लिए: Written Examination, Document Verification

Exam Pattern

For Group I

Preliminary Examination:

  • PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION परीक्षा के अगले चरण के लिए CANDIDATES को शॉर्टलिस्ट करने के लिए आयोजित की जाएगी।
  • परीक्षा में एक OBJECTIVE TYPE का PAPER होता है।
  • नियमानुसार आरक्षण CANDIDATES के लिए न्यूनतम योग्यता अंक दिए जाएंगे।
Subject No. of Questions Marks Duration
General Studies & Mental Ability (Objective Type) 150 150 2½  Hours
Total 150

Main Examination:

  • PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION में उत्तीर्ण होने वाले CANDIDATE मुख्य परीक्षा देंगे।
  • इसमें पारंपरिक प्रकार के पांच PAPER शामिल हैं।
  • सामान्य अंग्रेजी को छोड़कर सभी प्रश्न पत्रों का उत्तर या तो अंग्रेजी या तेलुगु या उर्दू में CANDIDATE द्वारा चुना जा सकता है।
  • सभी traditional types के पत्रों के लिए 3 घंटे का समय अवधि होगी।
 Paper Subject Marks
 – General English (Conventional Type) 150
I General Essay 150
II i. History and Cultural heritage of India with emphasis on 20th century history of India.
ii. Social history of Andhra Pradesh i.e., the history of various social and cultural movements in Andhra Pradesh iii. General overview of the Indian Constitution
III i) Planning in India & Indian Economy
ii) Land Reforms and social changes in Andhra Pradesh after independence iii) Andhra Pradesh’s Economy, present status
IV The role and impact of Science &Technology in the development of India with emphasis on the applied aspects
ii) General awareness with the modern trends in life sciences. iii) Development and environmental problems
V i) Data appreciation and interpretation
ii) The candidates will be asked to draw their own conclusion from the data presented in the tabular form in graphical or otherwise iii) Problem solving
Total 750

Interview/Oral Test

  • INTERVIEW में 75 अंक हैं।
  • CANDIDATE जो मुख्य परीक्षा में उपस्थित हुए और पाए गए उन्हें INTERVIEW के लिए बुलाया जाएगा।
  • बोर्ड INTERVIEW के दौर में CANDIDATE के रवैये और निर्णय लेने के कौशल का परीक्षण करेगा।

For Group II

  • PAPER I, PAPER II और PAPER III क्रमशः 150 अंकों का है।
  • CANDIDATES को WRITTEN EXAM में सभी तीन पेपरों के लिए उपस्थित होना चाहिए।
  • कोई WAITING LIST नहीं होगी।
Paper Name of Subject Marks Duration
I General Studies 150 150 min
II Social and Cultural History of Andhra Pradesh (the History of various Social and Cultural movements in Andhra Pradesh). General overview of the Indian Constitution 150 150 min
III Planning in India and Indian Economy. Contemporary problems and Developments in Rural Society with special reference to Andhra Pradesh 150 150 min
Interview 50