Best Books For Preparation Of GATE 2022 For All Subjects

Best Books For Preparation Of GATE 2022 For All Subjects: हमारे द्वारा Provide  की गई GATE Examination  की PREPARATIONS  के लिए सबसे Top books  में से एक है । ये GATE  books  पर्याप्त Relevant हैं और संपूर्ण GATE 2022 syllabus को cover  करती हैं। यह Book gate exam को Crack करने के Best methods  में से एक है। Examination  की PREPARATIONS  के लिए PREPARATIONS  के time  Perfect book Helpful  हो सकती है। इन BOOKS  की Help  से, Candidate  fight  की आधी जीत हासिल कर सकते हैं यदि वे एक उपयुक्त Strategy के साथ अपनी PREPARATIONS  की Leadership करते हैं।

Best Books For Preparation Of GATE 2022

Best Books For Preparation Of GATE 2021

PREPARATIONS  के लिए कुछ Best Books  के नाम हैं SS Ratan, RS Khurmi, Cormen, Galvin and Hamacher । यहां वे Candidate  जो GATE Books  के बारे में पूरी INFORMATION प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, वे सभी इस Article  को अवश्य पढ़ें, हम GATE  PREPARATIONS  के लिए full book name Provide  कर रहे हैं।

Quality of Books:

इन books  की Quality के बारे में नीचे बताए गए हैं: –

  • Easy to understand: यह Books Candidates  को पढ़ने और समझने में आसान होनी चाहिए। इन BOOKS की Concepts को बहुत सरल तरीके से समझाया गया है।
  • Concise Explanation: चूंकि GATE 2021 exam में कई Hard chapter included हैं, इसलिए BOOKS Explanation को Simple and concise  रखने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। Explanation एक Crisp, easy and simple समझना चाहिए।
  • Accurate Information: इस Book में GATE के SYLLABUS  में मौजूद Chapters, topics  के बारे में Accurate INFORMATION होनी चाहिए।
  • Pictorial Representations: Candidate Subject  और Chapters की सहायता के लिए syllabus  में Existing diagrams की Study  करते हैं तो उन्हें बनाए रखने के लिए Higher Opportunities और Candidate  को उन BOOKS का use  करने का प्रयास करना चाहिए जो diagrams का use  करके Subjects की व्याख्या करते हैं।
  • Avoid Fancy Language: PREPARATIONS के दौरान use  करने वाली Best Book  Simple language के साथ होती हैं।

Best Books for GATE 2022 Preparation:

Best Book for GATE- Agricultural Engineering (AG):

Book Name Author Name
Concept of Agricultural Engineering Mohanty Das
Farm Machinery Three Authors
Soil & Water Conservation VVN Murty

 Best Book for GATE – Chemical Engineering (CH):

Book Name Author Name
An Insight into Chemical Engineering M.Subbu
Chemical Engineering For Gate Principles Solved Problems and  Objective Type Questions Ram Prasad
Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering Fogler
Heat Transfer JP Holman
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics JM Smith
Theory of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes BK Dutta
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering McCabe -FPM and MO

Best Books for GATE – Civil Engineering (CE):

Book Name Author Name
Environment 1 and 2 S K Garg
Fluid mechanics R K Bansal
Highway engineering Khanna and Justo
Open channel flow and engineering hydrology K Subramanya
RCC Pillai and Menon
Soil mechanics and foundation engineering Gopal and Ranjan
Steel Bhavikati

 Best Books for GATE – Computer Science (CS):

Book Name Author Name 
Architecture Hamacher
Algorithm Cormen
Operating System Galvin
TOC- Theory of Computation Ullman

 Best Books for GATE – Electrical Engineering (EE):

Book Name  Author Name 
Electrical machines Nagrath, Kothari
Fundamentals of circuits Alexander, Sadiku
Power Electronics P S Bhimbhra

Best Books for GATE – Geology & Geophysics (GG):

Book Name  Author Name
Complete Master Guide GATE Amresh Singh
Geophysics Telford

 Best Books for GATE – Mechanical Engineering (ME):

Book Name  Author Name
Fluid Mechanics RK Bansal (Numerical Approach), Frank M. White (to understand)
Heat Transfer Cengel (For understanding concept)
Production Engineering Swadesh Singh
Thermodynamics P.K.Nag
Theory of Machine (TOM) S.S. Ratan

 Best Books for GATE – Production & Industrial (PI):

Book Name  Author Name 
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Modi & Seth
Heat Transfer Made Easy Class Notes
IC engine Mathur Sharma
Material Science Made Easy Class Notes And  Swadesh Singh
Machine Design VB Bhandari
Production S K Mondal Notes and Swadesh Sing
Refrigeration Made Easy Class Notes
Strength of Material Sadhu Singh
Thermodynamics P.K Nag
Theory of Machine SS Ratan